Information Security

INNOTECH has established its Fundamental Policy on Information Security whose objective is to ensure and maintain the scheme to appropriately operate and manage information security.

Fundamental Policy on Information Security

INNOTECH establishes its fundamental policy on information security and its Information Security Management Committee constantly monitors, assesses, and reviews the policy so that it will remain effective and prevent it from becoming obsolete.

Effort on Cyber Security

INNOTECH provides cyber security-related drills twice a year to all employees in order to build their awareness on the subject.

As email cyber-attacks against various organizations including companies are becoming very common and their damage increases these days, the drill covers what employees need to know as they engage in their daily business activities, such as basic knowledge on how such attacks are made and what is the damage, what kind of measures against malicious emails are taken with the assistance of the Information System Office, and so on.

Also, the Information Security Management Committee meetings are periodically held at INNOTECH so that the latest security trends are shared and risks related to cyber security will be minimized company-wide, such as by providing warnings and relevant information whenever security incidents take place.

Privacy Policy

INNOTECH has set up the Personal Information Protection Policy in order to properly manage the personally identifiable information as it handles such information during the course of business operation.