Strengthen BCP (Business Continuity Plan)

BCP Secretariat

INNOTECH has established a cross organizational BCP Secretariat to implement various measures for its business continuity and engage in activities to support its suppliers’ BCPs to maintain continuity of its supply chain.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

INNOTECH has devised the BCP Basic Policy to counter large-scale natural disasters, such as massive earthquakes, in order to continue its business and minimize their impact on the society, including its business counterparts. INNOTECH also sees that infectious diseases are major risks and has created a manual with respect to their handling and measures to take.

■INNOTECH Business Continuity Planning Document

INNOTECH has issued a written Business Continuity Plan based on the Article 4, item 5 of its Corporate Crisis and Risk Management Rules. The Plan prescribes the BCP Basic Policy, businesses and their areas to be protected, definitions of possible disasters and damage, schemes for crisis and risk management, response models, recovery plans, and operational management methods.

■BCP Basic Policy

INNOTECH has devised the BCP Basic Policy to counter large-scale natural disasters, such as massive earthquakes, in order to continue its business and minimize their impact on the society, including its business counterparts.

  1. Ensure safety of its employees* and their families;
  2. Maintain and continue various operations with its business counterparts;
  3. Fulfill social responsibilities as INNOTECH;
  4. Minimize impact on business management caused by possible suspension of its business

(* Employees include contract and temporary employees)

■BCP Check List

INNOTECH created the BCP Check List that includes which organization would be in charge of important matters, such as, “back-up of information systems”, “ensure supply chain of products and services”, “ensure and confirm safety of employees and their families”, “continue exchange transactions and funding activities (prevent shortage of cash and late payment)”, critical work to be performed, recovery plans depending on the status, an emergency action item check list, and recovery schedule models.

■BCP Bulletin Board

INNOTECH sets up the BCP Bulletin Board on its intranet as a part of its effort to implement the BCP in a timely manner. In the bulletin board, BCP-related information is centralized and managed, such as with respect to supply chain management (list of business counterparts, emergency action manual, BCP questionnaire), ensuring safety of employees and facilities (safety confirmation system, anti-disaster manual, criteria to send employees home, procedures to collect information, communication procedures among various facilities, and the location of a special task force which will be organized).

BCP Bulletin Board