Risk Management Scheme

INNOTECH, based on its Basic Policy on Risk Management, which was approved and adopted by the Board Meeting, comprehensively grasps, analyzes and assesses risks which may possibly affect its management at the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the President and the Representative Director. And countermeasures against high-priority risks are developed and executed in order to manage them and to minimize damage in case such risks become reality.

INNOTECH risk management process is implemented regularly and it is constantly updated in order to keep up with its ever-changing business environment. INNOTECH believes that for its mid-term and long-term sustainable growth of business and its corporate value, it is indispensable to handle material risks appropriately.

Basic Policy on Risk Management

  1. Comprehensively and systematically manage risks surrounding INNOTECH at the organization level so that management resources will be maintained and effectively exploited and achieve mid-term and long-term sustainable growth of business and corporate value.
  2. Enhance corporate ability to counter risks by raising and maintaining awareness of all employees and management members of INNOTECH for risk management through education, training and enlightening programs.
  3. Put people’s life and safety first in the event of major crisis, such as natural disasters.
  4. Minimize damage by appropriately and promptly responding to any crisis and continue its business to the extent possible to maintain trust from our stakeholders and achieve social responsibility as a company.

Scheme to Promote Risk Management

INNOTECH appropriately manages risks as the company pursues its operation by setting up the company internal rules for risk management and establishing the risk management scheme for which the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the President and Representative Director, plays a key role. The discussion content at the Risk Management Committee is reported to the Board of Directors and shared among group companies through Management Meetings and so on as necessary so that the companies work together and manage the relevant risks thoroughly as a Group.

The Risk Management Committee develops the Basic Policy on Risk Management, collects information, analyzes and assesses the risks which are extracted (and prioritizes them), and supervises management of risks by each organization and division as they operate. As for high-priority risks which may affect multiple business units, the Committee works with other committees of the company and their secretariats to pursue cross-organizational countermeasures.

Also, in order to prepare for possible major disasters, such as huge earthquakes, INNOTECH has developed the Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”).

Risk Management Implementation Process

  1. Understand the Risks
  2. Analyze and Assess the Risks
  3. Identify Material Risks
  4. Planning and Implementation of Countermeasures
  5. Assessment and Follow-up Reviews of Countermeasures
<Material Risks, Their Impact and Countermeasures>
Area Content Impact Countermeasures
Business Dependency on Specific Customers High
  • ・Enriching product line-up
  • ・Targeting for a larger market by cultivating new applications
  • ・Close communication with customers
  • ・Building optimized business model
  • ・Acquiring new customers(expansion of customer base)
Dependency on Specific Industry High
  • ・Strengthening products and services for electric vehicles
  • ・Expansion of sales channel to overseas manufacturers
  • ・Development of new business, cultivation of new market (Participation in other industries)
Dependency on Specific Supplier High
  • ・Trusting relationship with suppliers and manufacturing partners, periodic information exchange
  • ・Expanding the handling vendors
  • ・Multiple supplier sourcing
Inventory Management Mid
  • ・Using common parts
  • ・Devaluation and disposition of inventories by periodic inventory analysis
  • ・Regular hearing on forecasts from customers and setting up clear rules for taking orders
  • ・Setting up clear rules for placing orders with suppliers
Prolonged Lead-time for Parts /Price Increase Mid
  • ・Parallel evaluation of replacement parts
  • ・Periodic information exchange with suppliers
  • ・Early ordering of parts with longer delivery lead-time
  • ・Securing inventories for strategic parts
Loss of Competitive Edges of Products Mid
  • ・Planning and development of products which meet customers’ needs
  • ・Planning and development of products with added values
  • ・Keeping up with technical innovations
  • ・Active R&D investments
  • ・Building stronger R&D scheme
Politics, Economy, Society Amendment of Laws and Regulations Mid
  • ・Thorough collection of Information
  • ・Timely sharing of information
Country-specific Risks Mid
  • ・Sales strategy leveraging distributors and local partners
Climate Change Refer to our ESG website, “Disclosure based on the TCFD framework”.
Labor Management Securing Personnel High
  • ・Active hiring including engineers overseas
  • ・Succession of skills and expertise, Long-term nurturing of human resources
  • ・Enriching training programs
  • ・Utilizing support and services of external partner companies and staffing agencies
  • ・Providing employee-friendly work environment
  • ・Improving salary level and employee welfare program
Finance Exchange Rate Fluctuations Mid
  • ・Utilizing foreign exchange reserves
Interest Rate Fluctuations Mid
  • ・Various methods of fundraising
  • ・Setting maximum value for the D/E ratio
  • ・Improving cash flow to decrease funding needs
Business Investments Mid
  • ・Through examination prior to investing
  • ・Stronger monitoring after investing
Legal Compliance (Litigations)/Compliance Quality Issues High
  • ・Taking the Product Liability Insurance Policy and so on
  • ・Building stronger quality assurance scheme (establishing QA Committee and QA=dedicated department)
  • ・Selecting multiple manufacturing partners
Inadequate corporate governance and internal control systems High
  • ・Providing necessary rules
  • ・Setting up the “Policy on Internal Control” and “Code of Conduct and Ethics”
  • ・Providing the External Reporting Office
  • ・Increasing awareness on internal control, strengthening education
  • ・Strengthening governance as INNOTECH Group by transferring management-level employees to work for group companies and/or having such employees concurrently work for group companies as well.
Accidents/Disasters Natural Disasters Pandemic Realizations of Geopolitical tension High
  • ・Building stronger supply chain
  • ・BCP review and improvement of the management scheme
  • ・Introduction of safety confirmation system
  • ・Conducting emergency drills
  • ・Prevention measures of infection and spreading of infectious diseases, working with occupational health physicians
Information Security Cyber Attacks Mid
  • ・Strengthening Firewalls
System Failure Mid
  • ・Providing a Backup System
Information Leakage Mid
  • ・Strict application of the Basic Policy on Information Security
  • ・Increasing awareness on information management, strengthening education
  • ・Building stronger security system

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