
Corporate Governance

Based on the recognition that corporate governance functioning effectively is indispensable for a company to remain competitive and efficient, and thus to maximize the return on investment for our shareholders, INNOTECH pursues fair and sound management in line with the global standards.

Overview of INNOTECH Corporate Governance Scheme and Reason for Adopting the Relevant Corporate Governance Scheme

Overview of INNOTECH Corporate Governance Scheme

INNOTECH transferred from a company with the Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with the Audit & Supervisory Committee on June 23, 2023 by the resolution of the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on the same date to partially amend the Articles of Incorporation.
The objectives of this transfer were that (i) by adding the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, who are in charge of audit of execution of duties by Directors, to the members of the Board of Directors, INNOTECH believes that it can reinforce the supervisory function of the Board of Directors and further strengthen its monitoring mechanism, thus enhance the quality of its corporate governance, (ii) by enabling the Board of Directors to delegate the decision making on a wide range of important business operations to the designated Director, the supervisory functions of management and execution of business are segregated, the speed of managerial decision-making is accelerated, and its corporate value will become higher.

In addition, INNOTECH has adopted the Executive Officer System to reinforce execution of business and improve its corporate governance by the resolution of the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to partially amend the Articles of Incorporation to establish such system. INNOTECH has 5 Directors (one of them is a female director) who are appointed and in order to clarify the responsibility and flexibly to cope with the changes of the management environment, their term of service is one year (the term of Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members is two years). Majority of the members, who are 3 out of 5, are Outside Directors. The Board Members are, Nobuyuki Otsuka as the President and Representative Director, Yoshinori Tanahashi as the Senior Managing Executive Officer and Representative Director, Ichiro Anjo as the chairman of the Board of Directors, and Kimito Nakae and Shino Hirose who are Outside Directors. 3 Audit & Supervisory Committee Members (one of them is a female member) are appointed at INNOTECH and by having three of them from outside the company, INNOTECH believes that audits are conducted independently enough. The Audit & Supervisory Committee Members are Outside Directors, Kimito Nakae (Chairman), Ichiro Anjo and Shino Hirose.

The Advisory Committee whose majority of members consist of the Independent Outside Directors is established as a voluntary advisory body to the Board of Directors to provide advice and recommendations with respect to election and dismissal of Directors and Executive Officers and remuneration of such Directors and Executive Officers, thus strengthens the independence, objectiveness and the accountability of the function of the Board of Directors. The members of the Advisory Committee are the Independent Outside Directors Shino Hirose (Chairperson), Ichiro Anjo, Kimito Nakae, and the President and Representative Director Nobuyuki Otsuka.

Below is the chart showing INNOTECH corporate governance scheme and how it functions;

Corporate control system diagram

Reason for Adopting the Relevant Corporate Governance Scheme

INNOTECH has adopted the current corporate governance scheme since June 23, 2023 with a belief that it will enhance the quality of its corporate governance and increase its corporate value as the company accelerates the speed of decision-making and execution of work by delegating authority of the Board of Directors to Directors and reinforce the supervisory function on management through exercising voting right at the Board Meetings by the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, who are in charge of audit of execution of duties by Directors.


Outside Officers

As of June 23, 2023, the number of Outside Directors at INNOTECH is 3, and all of them are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members. None of these Outside Directors have any special interest relationship with the company.

Outside Director Ichiro Anjo supervises and provides effective advices from an independent perspective to improve management and administration of the Company by taking advantage of his many years of experience and deep insight in the semiconductor business. Ichiro Anjo is a president of Jisso Partners, Inc. INNOTECH believes there is no special interest with them.

Outside Director Kimito Nakae has many years of experience and specialist expertise in the administrative organizations and the financial industry, and therefore is assigned as an Outside Director, with the expectation that he is able to supervise and provide effective advices from a broad range of view to improve management and administration of the Company.
Kimito Nakae is the Outside Auditor of Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. INNOTECH has IR-related transactions with the parent company of Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd., which is Daiwa Securities Group, Inc. However, the transaction amount is insignificant and therefore, INNOTECH believes that there is no materiality that would create a special relationship from the standpoint of the company’s sales volume. Also, Kimito Nakae concurrently holds a post of the Auditor at the Tokyo Foundation For Policy Research, which is a public interest incorporated foundation, and INNOTECH has no special relationship with the Foundation.

In addition to a wealth of experience in the areas of corporate law and compliance as an attorney, Outside Director Shino Hirose has a broad range of expertise in international businesses and corporate activities. Therefore, she is assigned as an Outside Director, with the expectation that such highly-specialized experience and perspectives are utilized in the overall management of the Company.
Shino Hirose is a partner of Abe/Ikubo/Katayama Law Office and works for other organizations. INNOTECH believes there is no special interest with such parties.

INNOTECH determines that Outside Directors are independent when they do not contradict with any of the requirements with respect to Outside Directors provided by the Companies Act of Japan, independence criteria provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, as well as any of the following items provided by INNOTECH;

・He or she is the shareholder with more than 10 % of voting rights of INNOTECH or its group companies, or has experience in working in such shareholders’ organization.

・He or she has experience in working at major business counterparts, major lenders, or lead managing security companies of INNOTECH or its group companies in the past 5 business years (“A major business counterpart” shall mean a company whose transaction amount with INNOTECH or its group companies exceeds more than 2 % of the consolidated annual sales amount of INNOTECH, its group companies, or such company. “A major lender” shall mean a company whose loan amount to INNOTECH or its group companies is more than 2% of the consolidated total assets of INNOTECH, its group companies, or such company).

・He or she has received a large sum of legal counsel fee, auditing fee, consulting fee or alike from INNOTECH or its group companies in the past 5 business years other than the Corporate Officers’ remuneration from INNOTECH or its group companies or has experience in working in such company which received such a large sum of fees (“a large sum” means annual 50 million yen or more).

・He or she belongs to an entity which received more than a certain cumulative amount of financial contribution from INNOTECH or its group companies (“a certain cumulative amount” shall mean 20 million yen or more).

・He or she has the second-degree familial relation or closer with those or is a relative who lives together with those defined in the above items.

・He or she has served as Director of INNOTECH for longer than a period of 10 years in aggregate.

The Company, based on the provisions of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, has reported Ichiro Anjo, Kimito Nakae, and Shino Hirose as independent officers.

Linkage among the supervision by Outside Directors and the internal audits, audits by the Audit & Supervisory Committee and the accounting audits, and relationship with the Internal Control Department

All 3 Outside Directors are the members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee. Outside Directors regularly meet to exchange opinions and information with the Internal Audit Office and the Accounting Auditors, or attend audits as necessary, in order to improve the reliability of financial reporting. In addition, Outside Directors regularly receive reporting on the operation status of internal control at the Board Meeting to share and understand relevant information.

Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

INNOTECH has started its analysis and evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors and continues to disclose such analysis and evaluation results since FY2015 (ending March 2016). During FY2022 (ending March 2023), INNOTECH conducted self-evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors with all the Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board Members as follows. This fiscal year, INNOTECH outsourced the creation and distribution of the questionnaire to a third party in order to obtain new objective viewpoints.

Method of evaluation

  1. ①Last year, INNOTECH outsourced the survey to a third party, but this year, INNOTECH conducted the survey, distributing the “Questionnaire on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors” to all 9 Directors and all 4 Audit & Supervisory Board Members in March, 2023 through the in-house platform, and received their answers. The answers in the Questionnaire were taken with their names so that the Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board Members could be interviewed by the Secretariat of the Board.
  2. ②The answers were analyzed by their scores, and the comments and opinions were reviewed.
  3. ③At the Board Meeting held in April, 2023, the Secretariat of the Board made a report with respect to the Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors, explained the actual answers given by each Director/Audit & Supervisory Board Member, and presented the analysis results of the Questionnaire. At this Board Meeting, all the members reviewed the report and decided to make improvements based on the report. In addition, Outside Directors made the final report with respect to the Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors. After discussion, the Board officially confirmed and adopted the results of the FY2022 Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

Items of the Questionnaire

Major items of the FY2022 Questionnaire on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors are as follow. Each item was evaluated by five grades and a respondent could provide comments freely as well. These items were adjusted, keeping consistency with the items from the year before, so that the questions will be relevant to the current issues of the company.

  1. Institutional Design and Structure and Diversity of the Board of Directors
  2. Appointment/ Election/ Dismissal of the Directors, and Evaluation of the Advisory Committee
  3. Providing Information and Training Opportunities to Board Members
  4. Roles and Expertise of the Board Members
  5. Operation of the Board Meetings
  6. Performance Evaluation and Remuneration for the Management Team, and Evaluation of the Advisory Committee
  7. Discussions at the Board Meetings, ESG-related matters, and Communication with Investors
  8. Satisfaction Level of Outside Directors
  9. Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Improvement Status of the Problems Identified the Year Before

The Board of Directors and the Secretariat took following measures in FY2022, based on the results of the FY2021 Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

・Securing Human Resources

Though the score of the FY2021 Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors on this item was not low, some members mentioned the need to improve discussion on securing human resources. Therefore, INNOTECH introduced a stock compensation plan for employees, provided a special allowance to help employees cope with the inflation, and conducted an employee engagement survey. In addition to such efforts, these issues were discussed at the Board Meeting as well, after reviewing details at the Sustainability Promotion Committee. INNOTECH will continue its discussion on human capital management as the company’s priority agenda item.

・Providing Communication Opportunities between Outside Officers

As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, INNOTECH could not actively provide communication opportunities to its Outside Directors last year. However, INNOTECH is gradually increasing such opportunities these days, such as by organizing convivial lunch meetings and visiting tours to the subsidiaries for Outside Directors, paying attention to the infection status.

・Clarification of Election/Dismissal Criteria

The Advisory Committee had many discussions on the succession plan. The Advisory Committee is considering a development plan of the next-generation management team and clearer qualification criteria necessary for the management members, referring to the third parties’ views and opinions.

Evaluation Results of FY2022

After the analysis and the discussions on the results of the FY2022 Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors, the following content was confirmed;

・As to the Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors, the overall evaluation results were not low. It was confirmed that the Board of Directors is operating effectively in general.

・As to the Institutional Structure of the Board of Directors and Diversity, it was concluded to be appropriate in general in terms of its scale, composition ratio, balance of expertise, and so on

・As to the Appointment/Election/Dismissal of Directors and the Evaluation of the Advisory Committee, it was concluded to be appropriate in general in terms of their process, results of election, composition of the Advisory Committee and validity of advice given by the Advisory Committee.

・As to the Roles and Expertise of Directors, it was evaluated to be appropriate in general. Various opinions were given with respect to the roles and expertise of Outside Directors and Outside Auditor & Supervisory Board Members, but the evaluation score on this item was not low.

・As to the Operation of the Board of Directors and Providing Information and Training Opportunities to Directors, it was evaluated that discussions were made actively and they were generally appropriate. As to the quality of information and opportunities of providing information, there was no dissatisfaction in general.

・As to the Performance Evaluation and Remuneration for the Management Team, and the evaluation of the Advisory Committee, the evaluation results on the remuneration system and the process of determination were generally good.

・As to Discussion at the Board Meetings, ESG-related Matters and Communication with Investors, and Satisfaction by Outside Directors, the evaluation results were generally good in terms of discussion on the management strategies and management plan, ESG-related matters, and so on.

・As to the Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors, the evaluation results were generally good.

Future Issues

As a result of improvement in these years, there are less obvious issues regarding the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors. The result may indicate that the significance of the evaluation is becoming less. Future issues are i) matters which are still work in progress, such as Criteria of Election for Outside Directors and Hiring and Training policies, ii) Institutional Structure of the Board of Directors, and iii) identification of the issues to be discussed at the Board Meetings related to the Institutional Structure of the Board of Directors.

Officers’ Remuneration

Matters related to the Policy to Determine Amount or Calculation Method of the Officers’ Remuneration

INNOTECH resolved to change its Articles of Incorporation to become a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee and to introduce the Executive Officer System at the General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2023, and INNOTECH transferred to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee on the same date. INNOTECH resolved the company policy to determine the content of individual compensations of the Directors at the Board Meeting. Prior to the resolution, the Board of Directors consulted with the Advisory Committee, which was established as a voluntary advisory body to the Board of Directors, whose majority of members consist of the Independent Outside Directors and whose commissioner is one of the Independent Outside Directors. The Advisory Committee advised the Board of Directors that the policy was appropriate.
The policy is as follows;

Basic Policy

  • Remuneration structure depends on a role and the duty of each Director.
  • Remuneration works as an appropriate incentive to enhance business performance and corporate value.
  • Remuneration structure contributes to enhance corporate value for mid- term and long-term, and make directors share a profit-based awareness from the perspective of stockholders.
  • Transparency in decision-making processes, objectiveness and fairness of remuneration standards are ensured.
  • Remuneration structure and standards are reviewed and updated based on the economic and social conditions and the business environment of INNOTECH Group as appropriate.

Remuneration paid to the Directors consists of “Monthly Compensation” as fixed compensation, “Performance-based Compensation” which is linked to short-term business performance, and “Restricted Stock Compensation” as mid-term and long-term incentives. Remuneration for Outside Directors and Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, is “Monthly Compensation” only, taking their role to supervise and provide advices on management into consideration.

Form of Compensation Content of Remuneration
Fixed Compensation
(Monthly Compensation)
Paid to all Directors to compensate their duty to supervise management and execute business affairs, taking each Director’s position and role into account.
Performance-based Compensation Bonus paid to Directors (excluding Outside Directors and Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) and Executive Officers based on the Company’s consolidated business results, and payment is made if and when each fiscal year’s target of the Net Income Attributable to Owners of the Parent is achieved. Payment amount depends on its excess target rate. The reason to adopt the Net Income Attributable to Owners of the Parent as a profit target is that INNOTECH believes it is an important management index which directly contributes to enhancements of corporate value and shareholder returns.
The maximum amount is 300% of the total Monthly Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers to be paid. The distribution for each Directors and Executive Officers is determined after taking the contribution level of each business area where he is in charge to the consolidated operating profit, achievement level of the original business plan made in the beginning of the fiscal year for the said business area, results of ESG/SDGs-related activities, and his position and duty into account. As for an indicator of the performance evaluation, INNOTECH believes that the consolidated operating income is an appropriate indicator since they are responsible for the company’s business performance.
Restricted Stock Compensation Offered in order to give Directors (excluding Outside Directors and Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) incentives to sustainably enhance the corporate value of INNOTECH Group and to have them share a profit-based awareness from the perspective of stockholders. The maximum number of stocks offered to all Directors is determined, utilizing the consolidated ROE and PBR of the consolidated fiscal year before as indicators on a fifty-fifty basis. Afterwards, the number of stocks offered to each Director is determined within the above scope, evaluating each Director’s mid-term and long-term contributions to enhance corporate value.

The Advisory Committee deliberates the appropriateness and the fairness of total remuneration amount and individual compensation amount of “Monthly Compensation” and “Restricted Stock Compensation” paid to Directors including the President and Representative Director (excluding Outside Directors and Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, hereinafter the same shall apply), based on the resolution made by the General Meeting of Shareholders as well as the standards prescribed by the “Corporate Officers’ Remuneration Rules” and the performance evaluation, and reports to the Board of Directors. Based on the report from the Advisory Committee, the Board of Directors determines the individual compensation amount.

For “Performance-based Compensation” paid to Directors including the President and Representative Director and Executive Officers, the Board of Directors resolved the maximum total payment amount and that the individual compensation amount would be up to the sole discretion of the President and Representative Director, Nobuyuki Otsuka. The authority delegated to the President and Representative Director was to evaluate and distribute Performance-based Compensation paid to each Director, taking contribution level of each business area where he is in charge to the consolidated operating profit, achievement level of the original business plan made in the beginning of the fiscal year for the said business area, results of ESG/SDGs-related activities, and his position and duty into account. The reason why such authority was delegated to the President and Representative Director was that he was considered to be the best person to evaluate the business area where each Director and Executive Officer is in charge, overlooking the performance of the entire INNOTECH Group. The Advisory Committee deliberates the appropriateness and the fairness of individual compensation amount of “Performance-based Compensation” paid to Directors and Executive Officers including the President and Representative Director, based on the resolution made by the General Meeting of Shareholders as well as the standards prescribed by the “Corporate Officers’ Remuneration Rules” and the performance evaluation, and reports to the President and Representative Director. Based on the report from the Advisory Committee, the President and Representative Director determines the individual compensation amount under his authority which is delegated by the Board of Directors.

As for determining the content of individual compensations of the Directors, since the Advisory Committee reviewed the draft proposal from various aspects, including its consistency with the relevant company policy, the Board of Directors has decided to respect the report presented by the Advisory Committee and to follow the relevant company policy in principle. The number of Directors at INNOTECH Corporation is prescribed as 5 or less in its articles of incorporation and the remuneration amount of Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) was resolved as 300 million yen or less on an annual basis at the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2023 (the amount does not include the employee-portion salary for a Director who also holds an employee post at the Company). Also, at the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2023, separately from the said maximum amount of the remuneration, it was resolved that the Directors (excluding Outside Directors and Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) may receive 150 million yen or less of compensation by Restricted Stocks on an annual basis.
Remuneration amount of Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members was resolved as 60 million yen or less on an annual basis at the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2023. The number of Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) is 2, and the number of Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members is 3 (the number of Outside Directors is 3) at the 37th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2023.

Total Remuneration Amount by Category of Officers, Total Remuneration Amount by Remuneration Type,
and the Number of Officers
Category of Officers Total Remuneration Amount
(Unit: 1000 yen)
Total Remuneration Amount by Remuneration Type Number of Officers
Fixed Compensation Performance-based Compensation Restricted Stock Compensation Retirement Bonus
(excluding Outside Directors)
192,183 166,200 25,983 5
Audit & Supervisory Board Members
(excluding Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members)
13,200 13,200 1
Outside Officers 49,200 49,200 6
  1. INNOTECH has transferred from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company h an Audit & Supervisory Committee on June 23, 2023. “Total remuneration amount for each category of officers, total remuneration amount for each type of remuneration and number of referred officers are those as of the 37th fiscal year (ending March 31, 2023), which is or to the transfer to the company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee.
  2. The total amount of compensation does not include 92,079 thousand yen in total compensation to Directors of INNOTECH's consolidated subsidiaries who concurrently serve as ectors of such subsidiaries.
  3. FY2022 original targets and actual results of the indicators related to the Performance-based Compensation are as follow;
FY2022 Target FY2022 Actual
Consolidated Operating Profit 2,650 million yen 2,319 million yen
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 1,700 million yen 1,666 million yen