
In order to realize the sustainable society and enhance the corporate values, INNOTECH Corporation has identified material issues related to sustainability (Materiality) of INNOTECH Group based on its Management Philosophy and the Policy on Sustainability. INNOTECH will actively engage in such issues through its business activities so that sustainability-related activities of INNOTECH Group will be further expanded.

Process to Identify Materiality

INNOTECH has identified the Materiality of the Group by the following steps;

  1. ①Confirm the company’s Management Philosophy and the Policy on Sustainability
    It was confirmed that ideas described in the INNOTECH management philosophy and the Policy on Sustainability are important.
  2. ②List up the candidate material issues
    Social issues which need to be resolved by INNOTECH Group through its business activities were identified, referencing international guidelines, such as the GRI Standard and SDGs, and then, their criticality was reviewed. Then, INNOTECH listed up the candidate material issues, taking the double materiality concept into consideration as well.
  3. ③Review by the management
    Candidate material issues on the list were reviewed and discussed multiple times by the management team to be prioritized and narrowed down.
  4. ④Specify the Materiality for INNOTECH Group
    INNOTECH employees’ general opinions were collected with respect to the candidate material issues that were narrowed down by the management team and then, the discussion was held at the Management Meeting, where full-time officers as well as outside officers were present. And their views and opinions were reflected and the Materiality for INNOTECH Group was specified.
  5. ⑤Confirm by the Board of Directors
    Specified Materiality was reported to and the content was confirmed by the Board of Directors.

Materiality of INNOTECH Group

Materiality of INNOTECH Group consists of the following five elements and for each key theme associated with these elements, concrete measures will be taken, the achievements will be assessed, and improvements will be made, if necessary, on a continual basis.

Materiality of INNOTECH Group

Materiality Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

INNOTECH Materiality KPI as well as achievements are as follow;

Materiality KPI FY2023 Achievements
Human Capital Management
  • Ratio of female management: FY2025: 5%, FY2030: 10% (Japan)
  • Hiring ratio of female new-graduates: +30% (Japan)
  • Childcare leave acquisition rate for male employees: +50% (Japan)
  • Paid leave acquisition rate: +70% (Japan)
  • Ratio of female management: 4.7% (Japan)
  • Hiring ratio of female new-graduates: +32.4% (Japan)
  • Childcare leave acquisition rate for male employees: +108.3% (Japan)
  • Paid leave acquisition rate: +81.9% (Japan)
Supply Chain Management
  • Obtaining letters of consent for the code of conduct from +80% of suppliers in terms of business amount (Non-consolidated basis)
    ※RBA member companies are deemed to have agreed to the code of conduct.
  • Obtained letters of consent for the code of conduct from +88.5% of suppliers in terms of business amount (Non-consolidated basis)
    ※RBA member companies are deemed to have agreed to the code of conduct.
Solving Social Issues through Electronics Technology
  • R&D expense ratio (Consolidated basis): +4%
  • 0 major accident
  • R&D expense ratio (Consolidated basis): +5.8%
  • 0 major accident
Harmorious Coexistence with the Society Contribution to the Sustainable Future
  • Achieving net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by the year 2050.

Refer to our ESG website, “Disclosure based on the TCFD framework”.

Improvement of Management Foundation
  • ROE: +8%, ROIC: 8~10%
  • 0 major security incident
  • ROE:6.1% ROIC: 4.7%
  • 0 major security incident